Changing Education Through Interactive Apps

App-Based Learning Is Here to Stay
Digitally accessible content is now an integral part of any learning experience. In a quickly evolving environment where the future presents itself today, educational apps combine digital content with an engaging user experience. Everyday more educational apps hit the market, proving that interactive learning is here to stay.

MarkSharks: Pioneering An Interactive Learning Approach
OKS Group created OKS Education Pvt. Ltd with the goal of revolutionizing the educational app world. The company’s first product, MarkSharks, is an elearning product designed specifically for the nascent Indian market. MarkSharks covers the curriculum required for grades 6-12 science and math in a single cloud-based app: the first of its kind in the region. Complex content is presented in an interactive manner allowing the student to conduct experiments, explore real-life simulations, manipulate rich 3-D models, and watch detailed animations.

Build Your Own With OKS Group

OKS Education utilizes its extensive experience and expertise to work with publishers who wish to design their own product. Depending on the client’s vision and purpose, we build and design basic or complex apps, extending their market reach . OKS Group offers app development for iOS or Android platforms.

To learn more about how OKS Group can help you with your next great product, contact Nigel Wyman.